CPRI Recruitment 2024: CAO (Ordinary Grade) Vacancy, Apply Now

The Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) is recruiting for the post of Chief Accounts Officer (CAO) on a deputation basis at its Bengaluru head office. The role involves assisting in budget preparation, managing accounts, overseeing procurement, and ensuring accurate expense tracking. Eligible candidates can apply offline by downloading the application form from the official notification.  Key eligibility criteria and other essential details are provided below for the benefit of aspiring candidates.

Recruitment OrganizationCentral Power Research Institute (CPRI)
Post NameChief Accounts Officer
Total Vacancies01
Application ModeOffline
Job LocationBengaluru
Download Official Notification

1. CPRI Recruitment 2024 : Important Dates

Last date for complete applicationwithin 30 days from the date of issue of this advertisement

2. CPRI Recruitment 2024 : Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

a) CPRI Recruitment 2024 Educational Qualification

  1. Current Position:
    • (a) Holding an analogous post in the parent cadre or department, OR
    • (b) Having five years of service in Level-11 of the pay matrix in the parent cadre or department.
  2. Educational Qualification:
    • A university degree along with a professional qualification such as SAS (Subordinate Accounts Service), CA (Chartered Accountant), CMA (Cost and Management Accountant), or JAO (Junior Accounts Officer).
  3. Experience:
    • A minimum of 12 years of overall experience in finance and accounts management, audit, budgeting, taxation, GFRs (General Financial Rules), etc., in Central Government, Central Autonomous Organizations, or Statutory Bodies.
    • Proficiency in using computers, PFMS (Public Financial Management System), Tally, and the latest accounting software.

b) CPRI Recruitment 2024 Age Limit

  • The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation in NESTS Recruitment 2024 is 56 years, as on the closing date for receipt of applications. Candidates exceeding this age limit are not eligible for deputation.

3. CPRI Recruitment 2024 : Selection Process

Selection Process

The selection process for the position of Chief Accounts Officer (Ordinary Grade) at CPRI will be conducted on a deputation basis. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. Eligibility Check: Candidates must either hold an analogous post or have at least five years of service in Level-11 of the pay matrix in their current department.
  2. Assessment Criteria:
    • Relevant Experience: Candidates’ experience in finance and accounts management, audit, budgeting, taxation, etc.
    • Qualifications: As specified in the eligibility criteria.
    • Annual Confidential Reports (APARs): Performance evaluations from their current or previous roles.
  3. Selection:
    • Candidates will be evaluated based on their experience, qualifications, and APARs.
    • CPRI reserves the right to reject any application or cancel the selection process at any stage for administrative reasons.

For more details, refer to the official CPRI advertisement or visit their website.

4. CPRI Recruitment 2024 : Application Process

Application Process

  1. Application Submission:
    • Channel: Applications must be submitted through the proper channel.
    • Documents Required:
      • Self-attested copies of educational qualifications.
      • Vigilance clearance certificate.
      • Details of any penalties imposed in the last 10 years.
      • Attested copies of APARs for the last 5 years.
  2. Application Format:
    • The application should be superscribed with “Application for the post of Chief Accounts Officer (OG).”
  3. Submission Details:
    • Address: The Chief Administrative Officer Central Power Research Institute, Prof.Sir C.V. Raman Road, Post Box No: 8066, Sadasivanagar (P.O), Bangalore- 560080
    • Deadline: The application must reach the office within 30 days of the advertisement’s publication in the Employment News or as specified.

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